02-09, 21:00–16:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), Albert Einstein

NFIR is delighted to announce we are organizing the Hacker Hotel Capture The Flag competition again! We are pleased to bring the CTF competition to such a great event for the second year in a row, offering participants a great experience, the chance to showcase their skills, and win fabulous prizes. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn from industry experts, connect with your fellow hackers, and make lasting memories. Visit now to sign up and secure your spot for the competition.

Hacker Hotel 2024 CTF rules
- No attacking other players/teams
- No (D)DoS
- No attacking anything that is not a CTF challenge
- Maximum team size is 5 players (Human or otherwise)
- CTF is paused between Saturday 23:00 and Sunday 9:00 (Try to get some sleep)
- At least one team member must be physically present at the prize giving ceremony to win
- When in doubt, ask a CTF organizer

Last year, the CTF competition was a great success. 129 unique users registered and a whopping total of 61 teams were competing! Of course we want to repeat this success with a fresh and kick-ass new CTF competition. 16 new amazing challenges will be ready for you after the official start of HackerHotel, Friday 9th of February 2024. And this year, you can get a head start …

Last year, there were a couple of challenges that proved to be quite difficult. This year, we have altered the flag of one of those challenges (so sending in the flag of last year’s edition will not help you!) and will be making this one available for you ahead of time. Teams that successfully solve this challenge before the official kick-off of HackerHotel will earn themselves 100 points. The challenge will be taken offline after HackerHotel has started. Sign up for the CTF challenge now and be the first team to start! Make sure to check regularly if the first challenge is available by logging in and don’t miss out on the fun 😊 Registrations have been opened:

