A black hat in our white hat collective... a lesson in (incident response|human trust|pr|.*)
02-09, 16:00–16:45 (Europe/Amsterdam), Leonardo Da Vinci

We always knew it coulde happen, and thus that it, accoording to Murphey's law, would happen. A member of DIVD got arrested in relation to computer crime. And about a year ago it did, Pepijn van der S. got arrested.
In this (no press) talk we will walk you through the events that happened, the impact they had on our organisation and the lessons we learned.

Being a, white hat, hackers collective has it's risks. The most obvious risk is a legal risk. And we always considered it likely that a mebmer of DIVD would be arrested in relation to computer crime. And we prepared for it.

But then, when it does happen, you find our how prepared you really are.



Chris van 't Hof is an independent researcher, writer and presenter in cybersecurity and Managing Director at DIVD, the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure where we scan the whole internet for vulnerabilities and report them for free. He also plays drums.

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Balloon folding clown, fire breathing amateure, CISO at Schuberg Philis, Ciris manager at DIVD, author of Seccubus, starting bee keeper.

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