Balloon folding (for kids and adults)
02-15, 15:00–16:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), Pub

You know those people that take a balloon, inflate it and after some twisting, turning, and some squicky noises they end up with a balloon creature that makes kids really happy?

You could be one!

Because, baloon folding isn't that hard, actually.

I have the balloons, instructions and will actually try to teach during this workshop as well.

Are you an adult and know how to do this, I could sure use some help to survive the chaos ;)

Laguages spoke: Dutch, English
Spoken poorly: German
Barely spoken: French

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       \/      \/     \/     \/    \/               \/                  \/       



Balloon folding clown, fire breathing amateure, CISO at Schuberg Philis, Ciris manager at DIVD, author of Seccubus, starting bee keeper.

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