- 02-14, 15:00–17:00, Marco Polo
- 02-15, 14:30–16:00, Marco Polo
- 02-16, 14:15–16:15, Marco Polo
All times in Europe/Amsterdam
Need a professional portrait photograph taken for your next event, or talk? Or maybe for your upcoming book's cover? Update your Wikipedia page's profile photo? Become a social media influenza? Visit the studio and have your picture taken!
Professional portrait photographer Dennis van Zuijlekom will be available for his services at HackerHotel and will direct you to pose in front of his camera to get your next stunning headshot.
Dennis will be waiting for you in the studio during the scheduled slots, no pre-sign-up required, first come, first serve. Don't be afraid to contact him during the event if you have special needs or if you have a specific pose or scene in mind. Pitch him your crazy ideas, he loves improvising on the spot! Special projects may be rescheduled outside of the regular slots, to prevent long waiting times for others.
If you have something personal that is important to you, or something which defines you or is closely related to you (hobby, work, etc), bring it in! Dennis loves to try and incorporate these items in the shot.
Photographs will be made available after the event free of charge, under the condition that the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license will be respected by the participant. The photos will be published in the ever-growing "Shoot ALL the Hackers!" album on Flickr. Check it out to get an idea of what you're in for!
This workshop is sponsored by vzcs Image Capturing Services.