- 02-14, 17:00–18:00, Marco Polo
- 02-15, 10:30–12:00, Marco Polo
- 02-15, 16:00–18:00, Marco Polo
- 02-16, 10:30–12:00, Marco Polo
All times in Europe/Amsterdam
You can visit the WHY room all day to help out making the camp AWESOME! We are organising workshops all day, and if you want to do something feasible, you are very welcome to pick up one of the Tiny Tasks.
A series of workshops and things to do to make WHY2025 awesome!
Things that you can think of that might happen:
- A workshop: How can you make your CFP stand out?
- A workshop on how to become an orga volunteer
- Create info packages for hackerspaces/schools to send out.
- Create intro movies for visitors and new volunteers.
- work on wiki gardening, information for the website and other outings
etc. etc.